“Take what you need and give what you can” – No questions asked. The communities pantry. Open Monday through to Thursday 09.30am to 14.30pm. We are asking for donations of non-perishable food items, drinks, beauty and well-being and baby necessities. Please contact the centre if you require any further information. Thank you!
Free food pantry
Free food pantry every Wednesday from 10:00am for anyone in need. This service is designed to assist community members during short term financial difficulties & it should not be relied on. Please come early as we often run out of foods quickly. Please note: Food contents are donated to Oz Harvest who distribute to Community Centres to be allocated to community members, free of charge. Each week donations are different and products may have damaged packaging or they may be close to, or passed their use by dates. Unpackaged fruit & veg could also be damaged or show signs of age. Foods are given out in good faith and with our best intentions